The value adopting from us:
We Bawk, Bawk, Bawk at industry standards!
Customers referring their friends and neighbors remains the most common way families find out about us.
Many thanks to Monique that created the video testimonial on her own and emailed it to us to share. Do you have a story, photos, or videos to share? Post them here.

Unlike most domesticated animals, sexing is not 100% accurate. Professional sexers do not sex bantam breeds and standard breeds only offer an 80-95% sexing accuracy. While professional sexers do their best, unfortunately, external sexing is not always possible.
Thus, you may invest in raising “Henrietta” your “female” chick and discover months later; your chicken has grown into “Handsome Henry” the Rooster.
If an accidental rooster occurs, families are stuck with fixing the situation. The industry standard is for customers to accept sexing is not 100% and no credit, or returns are accepted. This is one of the reasons they can offer “female” chicks at a low cost.

Other than DNA sexing , there is no way to be 100% certain of sex at time of adoption. To my knowledge, a rooster is the only pet in the United States that if you accidentally get a boy it may be illegal to keep him. We believe in providing support after adopiton.
If a family orders a female and later discovers it is a rooster, we provide a free home for the rooster and provide a store credit (based on original purchase price). Receipt and return of healthy rooster is required.
We extend our support even further. If purchased as an Unsexed chick or from somewhere other than us, we may still help by homing healthy pet roosters for a low intake fee.
For families that do not want to endure an emotional of risk that their precious pet could end up being a rooster, we offer additional options to reduce the risk. We raise several auto sexing breeds that can be sexed by color or DNA testing to confirm sex.

When purchasing from a feed store, typically refund for chicks that die within 24 hours is provided.
Hatcheries typically decide whether to ship out replacements or provide a refund for the price of the chicks (shipping fees are not refundable) that arrive dead. Depending on the company, they may extend their live arrival guarantee to the first 24, 48, or 72 hours.
We offer a generous complimentary Life Insurance for chicks purchased as female. Calculated from time of pickup to the time photo proof of loss is received via text to 303-359-9484
<24 hours = Store credit of 100% of original purchase price
<48 hours = Store credit of 75% of original purchase price
<72 hours = Store credit of 50% of original purchase price
<10 days = Store credit of 20% of original purchase price
*No credit issued for female chick loss experienced over 10 days unless renting our brooder. If renting our professional brooder to raise your chicks life insurance extends to 30 days for 20% credit.
Includes accidental loss from families learning to care for chicks, predator attack, pet sitter mistake, ect.
Our unsexed chicks are deeply discounted. Thus, there is no life insurance coverage of any kind for roosters or unsexed chicks. Do not adopt any chicks that you do not want to take full ownership of their current and future health.

City ordinates typically allow 8 hens and prohibits roosters. For every hen enjoyed in the city, there is an unwanted rooster. Hatcheries cater to the high consumer demand for ridiculously low cost female chicks sold at feed stores. Laying breed roosters take 4 more months and 3x the feed cost to mature compared to meat breeds. They simply do not grow large or fast enough to be raised profitably for meat. Boys live long enough to determine their sex. The shocking reality is that 200,000+ newborn males are sacrificed daily to supply enough cheap female chicks at egg-laying breed hatcheries.
Lives Terminated by Grinding
Male chicks are grabbed by their fragile wings by "sexers," and callously thrown into meat grinders alive. A spinning auger tosses them around before being torn to pieces by a high-pressure macerator. Chickens are not protected by the Humane Slaughter Act the way other "food" animals are.
Lives Terminated by Suffocation
Take a deep breathe. Enjoying the peace of oxygen entering and carbon dioxide exhaling is something the boys will not be allowed. Male day olds are tossed into large rollover dumpsters that are lined with large plastic sheets. Once 200,000 or more of his siblings join him for the day, the plastic sheet is closed to extract any oxygen from reaching the chicks.
Since there is no science to sex fertile eggs in the United States, we ensure the pricing for our girls covers the care for her rooster counterpart to live an enriched life and reach a breeding or harvesting age. We are thoughtful in the breeds we choose to raise. We raise quality and rare breeds in which the roosters are more desired for show, pets, or flock protection.
We created a Rooster Gentleman's club for pet roosters to live out their lives on our farm. These are boys that have been named and loved on by families that live where roosters are not allowed. If you desire a rooster, these are the friendliest boys around.
We understand that most families consume chicken and try to find a local source to bypass the cruelty in factory farming. While we do not offer 'pet' roosters for harvesting, we do offer our heritage breeds that we raise for humane harvesting. Our boys are given a nice natural life on our homestead. We believe there should be an emotional connection to the animal that gives it’s life so that we can live. Thus we offer roosters to families that decide to humanly harvest adult roosters and bypass the cruelty in factory farming. Completing the life cycle by humanely harvesting food for your family rather than funding factory farms and their plastic wrapped counterparts at the grocery store.

If you are a surviving female chick from a hatchery, you are most likely placed in a box without food or water. The chick will need to rely on their yolk as nourishment during their shipment. Depending on the ship to location it could range from 1-3 days in the box. By day 3, some chicks can die from starvation especially if hatched from pullet eggs.
There are some private breeders and with an increase of public awareness some hatcheries, that may put a cup of gro gel in the box with the chicks. Some breeders will use fruit in the shipping boxes as well.
Once arriving to the feedstore, they are usually fed a medicated factory pellet crumble feed to help counter the negative health effects of eating each other's feces.

Chickens should be treated as the sentiment creatures they are and not as an inanimate commodity.
We offer free choice organic cereal with herbs and are proud of the nutritional value our chicks consume.
We offer a combination of fermented and sprouting fresh seeds and grains for our outside flock daily. We are proud to be able to see every ingredient especially since we consume their eggs.