This dashing gentleman is called Vinny. He is a wonderful rooster in all the most helpful ways. While he is content and often happy being held and carried around he much prefers to be with his ladies. He always saves the best treats for his flock, calling them over with sweet little chirps. He joins in with the egg laying songs throughout the day which adds quite a fun dimension to the symphony of chicken songs. Vinny has a very gentle approach to handling disputes among the hens. He always ensured arguments were quickly settled. He really is a wonderful rooster. While free-ranging he was always on alert! In the evenings he never let a hen wander outside of the coop if he wasn't around.

Vinny came to us in a group of hens that we adopted. He was only 10 weeks old so who he was going to become was not yet known. He spent the next 8 months growing up with 12 other chickens. We loved our time with him and really wished he could stay but he’s not a city boy and deserves the joy of being part of a flock in a big space. He would be a perfect fit for anyone looking for a rooster that is a strong protector of the flock as well as a gentle leader among his hens.

We miss you, Vinny!