This is Bernie. He is a drop dead gorgeous Ameraucana rooster. We got him as a chick in June 2023. He was bread with Isabel Wheaton Ameraucana genes, although I don't really see Isabel or Wheaton in his coloring. Instead he is an amazing mix of browns, caramels, oranges, yellows, and iridescent green tail feathers. He is striking in the sun.
For temperament, he is kind and has not shown aggression -- even to our high energy dogs. He loves his hens regularly calling out and chatting with them and is ever vigilent for predators.
On top of it all, he is an ameraucana so he carries the ever coveted blue egg laying genes.
His birthday is June 21, 2023.
Here are a couple baby pictures of Bernie!
Bernie is the big yellow chick closest to the plushie
Bernie’s baby feathers coming in.
We’re so glad you adopted him! He’s such a good guy. We miss him here, but we are glad he has found a great home with his own flock to watch over!
Bernie getting adopted. He found the perfect human and flock family!
Our family adopted Bernie to be flock protector of 6 lovely hens. He is very sweet with his ladies and even lets us cuddle him ❤️ we feel so lucky to have him !!