Age: 5 months (born May 2024)
Breed: Bielefelder mix
Size: Big & Tall (and still growing!)
Crow: Classic, musical and enthusiastic. Crows mostly at dawn and occasionally at the end of day
Plumage: Colorful, variegated, patterned and abundant
Comb: Full, flamboyant and flipped
Temperament: Well mannered and kind to the ladies. Calm when held and enjoys treats (seeds, shaved carrot and other veggies).
Good with children and being handled by them.
Nicknames: Chirps, Chirpy, Sir Chirps A-lot, Chirpy-Derpy

We adopted Chirp along with two other chicks after they hatched through a school project (eggs were obtained through a partnership with 4-H). He has enjoyed life in the city as a spoiled backyard chicken. Alas, we are not permitted to have a rooster and the time has come to support his journey to new, rooster friendly pastures.